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Spring Things to Look for In Your Landscape

Spring is a good time to think insect control for your landscape. Insects can have a devastating effect on an otherwise beautiful, healthy landscape. Here are some options and guidelines to help keep your landscape in top shape.

Treatment and Control Options

Early Spring

Dormant Horticultural Oil - Helps control insect eggs by smothering them before they hatch. In particular, white fly, aphids, scale, and lace bug. There are some plants that are sensitive to horticultural oils so, as always, read entire label directions before applying. 

May through September

Insecticidal Soap - Provides insect control on perennials, Boxwood Psyllid, and some control on Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.

Common Problems of Common Plants Used in the Landscape:

  • Boxwood - Psyllid
  • White Pine and Weeping White Pine
  • Pieris, Azalea, Rhododendron – Lace bugs
  • Magnolia, Tulip tree – Scale
  • Hemlock – Wooly Adelgid, some control

Plants and Common Insect Problems

  • Boxwood Psyllid - Horticultural oil, insecticidal soap
  • Hemlock Wooly Adelgid - Horticultural oil, insecticidal soap
  • White Pine Weevil - Affects terminal tops of white pine and spruce. Spray when red maples have flower bloom.
  • Bag Worm - On all types of trees and particular, evergreens, spray late June. Removing bags by hand also works if there are not too many. Remember, each bag contains 300 to 1,000 eggs.

Detailed information on descriptions and control can be found on the internet or on the Penn State Extension site. Some control sprays are restricted and can only be applied by a professional certified spray company.