Perennials are one of our specialties. We strive to stock new and unusual varieties each and every season. Not all perennial varieties are available all year long. Some will have to be special ordered from time to time depending on the time of year. Our inventory varies day to day so please call ahead for availability @ (570) 675-4537.
For Reference
Please see the Rave Landscaping Perennial Selection & Design Guide to take most of the guesswork out of your planning. If you're new to perennials, please also see our Perennial Tips & FAQs page as well.
Botanical Name - Common Name
Achillea - Yarrow
Agastache - Hyssop

Allium - Flowering Onion

Anemone - Windflower

Aquilegia - Columbine

Arenaria - Sandwort
Asclepias - Butterfly Weed
Astilbe - Plume Flower



Astrantia - Masterwort

Baptisia - False Indigo
Campanula - Bell Flower
Centaurea - Cornflower

Coreopsis - Tickseed


Crocosmia - Montbretia
Delphinium - Larkspur
Dianthus - Pinks
Digitalis - Foxglove
Doronicum - Leopard's Bane
Echinacea - Coneflower

Eupatorium - Joe Pye Weed
Gaillardia - Blanket Flower

Geranium - Cranesbill


Geum - Avens
Gypsophila - Baby's Breath
Helenium - Helen's Flower
Heliopsis - False Sunflower
Helleborus - Hellebore

Heuchera - Coral Bells

Heliopsis - Orange Sunflower
Hemerocallis - Daylily

Hemerocallis - Happy Ever Appster Daylily
Hemerocallis - Jersey Earlybird® Daylily
Hemerocallis - Trophytaker Daylily
Hibiscus - Rose Mallow
Hosta - Plantain Lily





Iberis - Candytuft

Lamium - Dead Nettles
Lavandula - Lavender


Leucanthemum - Shasta Daisy



Lilium - Asiatic Lily

Image coming soon
'Love Story'

Lobelia - Cardinal Flower

Lupinus - Lupine
Oenothera - Evening Primrose
Monarda - Bee Balm
Montbretia - Crocosmia

Nepeta - Catmint

'Pink Cat'

'Wild Cat'
Oenothera - Evening Primrose

Paeonia - Peony
Image coming soon
'Eden's Perfume'

Papaver - Poppy
Penstemon - Beard Tongue
Pervoskia - Russian Sage
Phlox - Creeping Phlox, Mountain or Moss Pinks
Phlox - Garden or Upright
Platycodon - Balloon Flower
Rudbeckia - Black-eyed Susan
Salvia - Sage

Scabiosa - Pincushion Flower
Sedum - Stonecrop
Silene - Catchfly
Sisyrinchium - Blue-Eyed Grass

Stachys - Lamb's Ear
Stokesia - Stoke's Aster
Thymus - Creeping Thyme
Tiarella - Foamflower
Trollius - Globe Flower

'New Moon'
Verbascum - Mullein

Vernonia - Iron Weed
Veronica - Speedwell